Owning a home brings many advantages and freedoms – you can remodel and redecorate however and whenever you like, you have a place to entertain family and friends, and you have the security of a lifelong investment that is also your place to call home. Home ownership also brings many responsibilities, from financial responsibilities to its care and maintenance. These are not to be taken lightly, since your home is probably the biggest investment you will ever make.
Part of the care and maintenance that your home requires is that of its sewer lines. While it isn’t something most people want to spend a great deal of time thinking about, it is vitally important to keep them in proper working order. All of the waste from your bathrooms and kitchen travels through these lines and and out of your home and any problems within these lines can cause severe safety issues for you and your family.
Regular sewer inspections are a simple, but very important,way to make sure your pipes are working properly and to protect your home and family. Having a professional plumber examine your sewer system can warn you of potential problems early on, before they become larger and more expensive problems.
Some of the issues that can be diagnosed with a professional inspection are:
One of the most common causes for pipe back up is a clog in the line. Hair, food, even grease can clump together within the line and get stuck, causing a clog. If not taken care of in a timely manner, other debris can adhere to the clog causing it to grow in size and before long, block the flow of the pipe. An inspection can alert you to a clog before it becomes problematic.
Cracks in your pipes can form for various reasons such as freezing weather or breaks in the seams of the pipe. If left unattended, pressure can cause them to grow and become larger, allowing waste to seep into the surrounding area. Obviously, this can lead to serious problems, so repairing a crack while it is small is very important.
Most yards have trees and their roots can travel great distances underground. They can enter sewer pipes where there is a crack or possibly a seam or joint in the pipe. Since roots keep growing, having one in your pipe can potentially cause a huge problem if it isn’t removed. Inspections can locate a root before it has a chance to cause serious damage.
Most modern sewer pipes are made of cast iron, which is extremely durable, but also can form rusty deposits on the inside of the pipe. This buildup can catch other solids flowing through the pipe and eventually cause a blockage. The key to preventing this is to find and remove the buildup before it progresses too far.
Many inspectors use video cameras that are able to be inserted on a flexible rod through the pipe to accurately assess any damage or problems. The pipe can be seen clearly and in its entirety, so there’s no guess work when it comes to repairs.
If it’s been a while since you’ve had a sewer inspection, call a professional plumber to schedule one soon. It’s important to the value and safety of your home to ensure that your sewer system is working properly. A professional can diagnose any problems or potential problems, recommend a solution, and have your sewer lines running optimally again in no time.

Hi, my name is Kevin Moore. I was born in San Diego, CA and studied at the University of San Diego. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with interested people and have years of experience in the field of business, health . information technology.