The Specifics of Shipping Food Items
The food industry is a competitive market with narrow margins and little room for error. The number of SKU’s is constantly growing. Products change regularly, and shipping and receiving these products can be tedious. Using a pallet rack system for shipping can ease the burden.
Besides the sheer number of products, simply shipping food items is a delicate process. Warehouses must ensure items reach their destination without damage while still maintaining the food’s freshness. Many food items have an added requirement in that they must be kept cold or even frozen. This means pallet racks must be able to withstand the extreme variations of freezing temperatures. In addition to the fluctuating temps, shipments must also protect food items against the harsh handling of loading and unloading goods.
Pallet racks that are specially designed for food handling can provide protection against these potentially damaging situations. With buffering rails, gravity rollers, and built-in flow systems your food items will arrive safely at their destination.
Types of Pallet Racks for Food
Several types of pallet racks for food items exist. These pallet types were built with food items in mind. They are built to protect delicate food items and hold up under extreme conditions such as freezing temperatures or harsh handling. There are two main types of pallet racks that are used for food items.
- Pallet Flow Racks
- Pushback Racks
Pallet flow racks are a great choice when goods are moving in and out quickly. They are fed from the back, so they are a first in first out system. They’re built on a slant, making them gravity fed. These pallet racks can be stacked, so multiple shelves of food items can be placed in the same area. They are equipped with rails, brakes, and a stopper ramp at the end of the rack to protect products from damage.
These systems can be built to withstand cold temperatures, and they can be customized to work in a variation of sizes. Other names for these first in first out racking systems for food include carton flow systems or gravity flow systems.
Pushback racks are typically used when a first in last out system can be used. They are front-loaded, and can handle 2-6 pallets of goods per rack. They get their name because each pallet is “pushed back” when the next pallet is loaded.
They are often gravity-fed to allow easier handling. Guardrails protect food items from falling or becoming damaged. These systems are quick and easy to load. They can be customized to work with your specific needs.
If you’re unsure which food shipping pallet racks for sale on line are right for you, finding and working with a trusted shelving professional can help. These companies are experienced in working with commercial warehouses to design the perfect racking system for their operation.

Hi, my name is Kevin Moore. I was born in San Diego, CA and studied at the University of San Diego. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with interested people and have years of experience in the field of business, health . information technology.