Achieving that exact website design that will be able to lure more and more site visitors can be a daunting task for many. Not only does it involve achieving the usability and pleasingness factors, but also it must be informative and technically sound and coherent in nature. Most web designers are self-taught, however, with advances all around us, more and more people are gaining technical knowledge and expertise to excel in the field of website designing. May institutions, all over the world are cropping up to teach not just the technical nuances of what entails in website designing, but also the form of art that is involved in the same. Website designing is a lucrative career choice for all the technical brains who want to delve into the artistic side as well, from time to time. Here are 9 essential principles for getting a good website design, to help you better in the same field:
- A good web design is dependent upon what suit the eyes of the visitor. It is all about informativeness, and what looks good on the eye. As a website designer, you must always keep a note of precedence. Precedence is about the visual weight of all the parts of designs on your website. In other words, you must alway keep a check on the color schemes and the positioning of all kinds of elements on your website screen. The first thing, that goes without saying must be the logo, it should be large, alluring and should literally be the first thing that people see about your website/ company (preferably on the top left corner). You can, after this, lead your website visitors to a punchline, or a tagline or a related image for your website, and then only can the people proceed to the main content of your website. The viewers of your website must automatically know what website are they looking at, what the website entails for them, just by looking at these first few images. Your website design must have a personality of its own. The positioning of everything on the website, along with the use of subtle and bold color schemes, with proper contrast, is what will make your website design stand apart. Remember, every little element matters.
- You must keep a check on spaces while designing a website for yourself or your client. No matter how many intricate patterns there may be, or how many design idea you must have for your website design, there must always be kept a check on the spacing. Appropriate spacing is necessary to avoid clustering up of your design and the text on the website you are designing. There must be proper amounts of line spacing to promote readability. No viewer must strain their eyes to read the text on your website, it should be feasible. The spacing must be correct, not too less and not too much. Apart from line spacing, people nowadays use speaking texts to enhance their website designs today. These fancy looking elements and the texts must never coincide. Using your website material should be a pleasant experience for your visitors. Apart from all this, there must always be a featured negative space on your website, to balance out and give proper edge and proportion to your website design. This space is often called the white space.
- Navigation is the most important aspect of any website, one visits. There are many tabs on the website that a visitor must be interested in browsing, however not finding the appropriate paths to them can be frustrating for your website user. Therefore, there must be visible and appropriate buttons and tabs for navigating back and forth your website. Apart from this, the texts on these tabs/ buttons must be clear, as to where you are being navigated through.
- Necessary CSS tools must be taken help of while developing the website design to cater to the needs of both your client, as well as the people who are going to visit it. All kinds of graphics, elements, design, alignments must be well placed and well sought in order to make the website design attractive and feasible. The designing through the help of tools must be done in such a way that it does not overfill and complicate your website design. There must be a proper balance between all of the elements present on the website.
- What builds up a website? The content. Yes! And therefore, all kinds of measures must be taken to get the best content to be published on a website. The texts, no matter how big or how small they are, must be error free and easy to read. In other words, all kinds of grammatical and typographical errors must be avoided or corrected before the text goes on to your website. Apart from this, proper choices must be made to make sure that the website is readable and easy on the eyes. The font sizes, font styles, and the color of the font, proper amounts of spacing, and paragraphing, they all make a huge difference in these matters.
- Even though we have talked about the precedence part above, the user feasibility still remains an untouched realm. The website the users are going to operate is going to be a tool for them, they are going to want to use these ‘tools’ and would want to fulfill their basic tasks. Interface designs, homepages, and other various tabs and pages must be created, keeping in mind the users of the website. These tools must be easy no just in the eyes of the users, but also on their mind and hands. Nothing complicated must be presented to the users that are always in a hurry.
- Grids and Alignments are mandatory factors that make a website what it is. Yes, everything in a straight line looks appealing and classy. However, making sure the grid design structures and the alignments you choose to present the data/ content on your website looks appealing, and can further help build up the website that users find easy to use, as well as good to see.
- Other than choosing a suitable grid alignment and grid structure, what a website designer must also choose is to keep the website and the elements present in it crisp, sharp, and attractive looking. Pixels and edges must be taken care of, proper usage of borders must be made to enhance your website elements.
- If a website is supposed to be easy on the eyes and attractive, professionalism must be maintained. There must be a consistency in your website design.the kind of elements used, their sizes, shapes, colors schemes, illustrations, etc. everything must be in coherence with each other. Consistency is a key to get your design a notch up. Proper implementation of themes and design choices must be made.

Hi, my name is Kevin Moore. I was born in San Diego, CA and studied at the University of San Diego. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with interested people and have years of experience in the field of business, health . information technology.